
Sausalito, Fog & The Golden Gate

our friends advised us to enter San Francisco from the other side of The Golden Gate bridge as the views are beautiful and worth the extra miles. so we left Walnut Creek and headed to Sausalito (trading one posh suburb for another). it gave us a very nice taste of the city and lead us to anticipation of San Francisco being potentially one of the best places to live (to be initially verified within the next few days).
also, we saw the legendary, unreal San Francisco fog levitating on roofs of houses. interestingly, over the bay the fog stays at the precise strip and level of the Golden Gate bridge, so that much of this famous view we have seen:-)

znajomi polecili nam wjechac do San Francisco od drugiej strony mostu Golden Gate, skad widoki mialy byc niesamowite i warte nadlozonych mil. pojechalismy wiec z Walnut Creek do Sausalito (zamieniajac jedno drogie przedmiesie na inne). to dalo nam przedsmak miasta i sklonilo, ze byc moze San Francisco ma zadatki na jedno z najlepszych miejsc do zycia (do wstepnego zwryfikowania przez kilka najblizszych dni).
mielismy takze okazje zobaczyc legendarne, nierealne mgly San Francisco, lewitujace na dachac domow. co ciekawe, nad zatoka unosila sie ona dokladnie na dlugosci i wysokosci slynnego mostu Golden Gate, wiec tyle z niego widzielismy:-)

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