
exactly one year ago

yes, it's been a year and every day our love grows stronger...
can't wait till the rest of our life together, my love!
(first three photos from our photoshoot, I don't think we ever shared these here?)

Tak, to juz rok i z kazdym dniem nasza milosc staje sie coraz silniejsza...
Nie moge sie doczekac reszty naszego zycia razem, kochany!
(pierwsze trzy zdjecia z naszej sesji zdjeciowej, chyba jeszcze nie pokazywalismy ich tutaj na blogu?)


  1. these images are absolutely beautiful! what a perfect wedding ceremony. the mister and i will be celebrating our one year in just a few short weeks and i could not be more excited! yay!!!!
    xo TJ
