
We're back!

we're back and with so many beautiful memories and interesting observations!
we have 44 rolls of film to develop so you need to be patient, it will take some time ;)
as soon as they are ready we will be sharing some hopefully amazing photos with you. we must say, the scenery was so incredible and unreal that very often it was really difficult to photograph but still we hope they will epitomize the beauty of the places we visited.
meantime one of the photos I took with my phone in San Francisco. on the last day we went to Chinatown for dinner, this is what I found in fortune cookie at the end of our honeymoon so we're ok :)

wrocilismy i to z tyloma pieknymi wspomnieniami i ciekawymi obserwacjami!
mamy 44 rolki filmow do wywolania, wiec prosimy o cierpliwosc, to troche potrwa ;)
jak tylko beda gotowe bedziemy pokazywac nasze zdjecia. musimy przyznac, ze sceneria byla tak niesamowita, ze czesto trudno bylo ja fotografowac, ale mamy nadzieje, ze nasze zdjecia i tak zobrazuja piekno i wyjatkowsc odwiedzonych miejsc.
tymczasem, oto jedno ze zdjec, ktore zrobilam telefonem w San Francisco. w ostatni dzien poszlismy na kolcaje do Chinatown, oto przepowiednia jaka znalazlam w ciasteczku z wrozba na koniec naszego miesiaca miodowego, wiec nie jest zle ;)

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