
where we stayed

We spent our holiday in Buttermere, in a lovely cottage right by the village, between the lakes Buttermere and Crummock Water. It was such a peaceful and beautiful place.
Kids loved it, the greenery and lots of open space, the stones outside our house where they could get really dirty and the fresh air that helped their appetites (not that there was anything wrong with them anyway...).
It was so nice to get away from work and busy cities we live in but it was no quiet, read a book and lay down type of holiday. We had to always run around our kids.
As you can see on the photos, we sometimes even had to eat our lunch separately...

Nasze wakacje spedzilismy w Buttermere, w pieknym domku zaraz przy wiosce, miedzy jeziorami Buttermere i Crummock Water. Jest to piekne i oddalone od wszystkiego miejsce.
Dzieci byly bardzo zadowolone z zieleni i otwartej przestrzeni, z kamykow i ziemi, gdzie mogly sobie pobrudzic paluszki, ze swiezego powietrza, ktore wzmagalo apetyt (na ktory i tak nie mozemy narzekac).
Cudownie bylo moc oderwac sie od pracy i meczacych miast, w ktorych mieszkamy, ale i tak, nie byly to spokojne wakacje, na ktorych mozna sie polozyc, poczytac ksiazke. Ciagle trzeba bylo biegac za dziecmi, ktore nie mogly na chwile usiedziec w miejscu.
Jak widac na zdjeciach, czasem nawet musielismy jesc obiad na raty...

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