
first haircut

we only had tears because of the scary gown so we had to do without it.
we cuddled all the way through ;)

mielismy lzy tylko przy zakladaniu pelerynki.
Adas byl we mnie wtulony przez caly czas ;)


easter weekend

easter with dear friends in Cambridge.
Adam loved company of Sofia (aka Ika ;))

wielkanoc z bliskimi przyjaciolmi w Cambridge.
Adas bardzo sie zaprzyjaznil z Sofia (w jego wykonaniu Ika ;))


it's been over a week ago since we had our family from Shetlands but I won't bore you with how little time we have to post things over here...
we had such a lovely time with M's sister and her family. Adam fell completely for his cousins and repeated all they were doing. he also missed them when they left and expressed that by crying all week when left at the nursery and calling their names...
we definitely need to see you guys soon! thank you soooo much for coming!
p.s. we discovered Adam's love and talent for football! ;)

to juz ponad tydzien, odkad goscila u nas rodzina z Szetlandow, ale wiecie jak jest u nas z czasem na zamieszczanie regularnych postow...
spedzilismy cudowny weekend z siostra M i jej rodzina. Adas oszalal na punkcie kuzynow i powtarzal wszystko co oni robili. oczywiscie nie obylo sie bez lez na pozegnanie oraz placzu z tesknoty kazdego ranka w przedszkolu. Adas do dzis wola kuzynow, Hanie na widok czerwonej bluzy...
koniecznie musimy sie juz niedlugo spotkac! dzieki wielkie za odwiedziny!
p.s. odkrylismy Adasia zamilowanie i talent do pilki noznej! ;)


the deep

lovely weekend with auntie Iga who temporarily is in Hull.
when you're there you can't not visit the Deep Aquarium. penguins were the best!
thank you Iga for a lovely time!

milt weekend z ciocia Iga, ktora to tymczasowo urzeduje w Hull.
bedac tam nie mozna nie odwiedzic akwarium the Deep. pingwiny byly najlepsze!
dziekujemy za goscine!