Their visit, as always, was not long enough but we had such a lovely time!
As the weather was really good, we managed to see Stratford-upon-Avn and Ironbridge but also the new library so a lot of trips and sightseeing. The best was the fact we could cook together, talk and just be together. We miss that a lot and can't wait till Christmas!
Wizyta dziadkow byla, jak zawsze, za krotka, ale cudownie bylo miec ich tutaj, choc na chwile!
Dzieki dobrej pogodzie, udalo nam sie odwiedzic Stratford-upon-Avon, Ironbridge i oczywiscie nasza nowa biblioteke. I tak najlepsze bylo to, ze moglismy pobyc razem, troche pogotowac, porozmawiac, po prostu byc razem blisko. Juz za tym tesknimy i nie mozemy sie doczekac Swiat!