last two days have been so beautiful and warm that we managed to have Adam's dinners in the garden.
as we want him to eat on his own now, it was good for us and our floor as we didn't care about all the food that didn't get from bowl to his mouth (and there was a lot of that...).
he loved it so much, I'm sure you can see this on these pictures ;)
ostatnie dwa dni byly tak piekne i cieple, ze udalo nam sie podac Adasiowi kolacje w ogrodzie.
poniewaz chcemy, zeby uczyl sie samodzielnego jedzenia, ta lokalizacja bardzo nam odpowiadala ze wzgledu na ilosc jedzenia, ktora laduje na ziemi...
nasz maly smakosz, oczywiscie, byl z tego bardzo zadowolony, co widac na zdjeciach ;)