there has been no time to write about this but Adam has been at nursery for the last three weeks.
he is full time there and he's done so well! except the fact that he's been ill for most of that time and that he's... hitting another children, all is going very well! we will deal with these things somehow...
he seems happy there and we are relieved he enjoys his time there.
since he started, he learned how to walk, eat by itself, drink by himself, he can listen to us reading to him for longer.
it's lovely to see his development, with pride but also with a bit of sadness that our little boy is not so little anymore...
nie bylo nawet czasu tutaj napisac, ale Adas juz od trzech tygodni chodzi do przedszkola.
jest tam piec dni w tygodniu i radzi sobie bardzo dobrze! poza tym, ze choruje i... bije dzieci, wszystko idzie bardzo dobrze. jakos sobie poradzimy z tymi trudnosciami...
juz jest zadowolony i radosnie wita panie przedszkolanki, co jest dla nas wielka ulga.
odkad zaczal chodzic do przedszkola, nauczyl sie chodzic, sam jesc i pic, potrafi tez dluzej skupic sie na czytanej przez nas ksiazeczce.
cudownie jest obserwowac jego rozwoj. patrzymy na to z duma, ale tez smutkiem, ze tak szybko rosnie...