

on the move.

w ruchu.


We have a visitor here, grandpa M.
It's great to have him with us and look what a nice photo of us he took :)

Mamy goscia, jest z nami dziadek M.
Wspaniale jest go goscic i spojrzcie jakie nam zrobil ladne zdjecie :)

our little boy.

nasz maly chlopczyk.


these images make my heart swell.
so much love...

te zdjecia tak mnie wzruszaja.
tyle milosci...


trying to "stand".
you can see his determination and excitement ;)

proba "stania" na wlasnych nozkach.
widac determinacje i podekscytowanie w spojrzeniu ;)


8 weeks

8 tygodni


fun time

with dad.

czas zabaw z tata.


7 weeks

7 tygodni


Another thing to make his time in bed a little bit more fun :)

Jeszcze jedna rzecz, dla uprzyjemnienia czasu w lozeczku :)



As he almost outgrew his basket we had to get him a cot bed.
He tested it for the first time today and he seems to like it :)

Poniewaz Adas juz prawie wyrosl z koszyka, musielismy mu kupic lozeczko.
Dzisiaj wyprobowal je po raz pierszy i chyba mu sie spodobalo :)